Friday, August 23, 2013

Fuiten/Smith/Gorc Camping Trip 2013 - Wonders and Blunders.

 This, my friends, is a picture of preparation!  Even before we left for Lake Wenatchee State Park I made sure these precious items made it into my bag!  2011 was the year of the non-working, "natural" mosquito repellant, but we learned our lesson and went with full on deet this year!  And it worked. 

Join me on a little journey through what was the Fuiten/Smith/Gorc Camping Trip of 2013.  Our last was in 2011 and I can't say if there will be a next one.  I'm pretty sure I promised I wouldn't do it again unless we upgrade to a camper of some kind!

Here's Andy with my parents' Chihuahua, Brutus.
  Because 6 people, and a car full of everything we can't live without, just isn't enough crazy.

What is noteworthy in this picture you say?  Oh, just the fact that I camp with amazing people who bring things like fresh bouquets of flowers from their garden (mom) and the best coffee around, Rococo Coffee (my husband)!

This is what our set up looked like.  That's the Gorc family tent in the foreground, then our Honda Pilot, aka The Adventure Mobile, and mom and dad's trailer in the background.  The Smith tent is hiding behind the camper.  At 38 years of age I feel I have just about outgrown "tenting it"...The ground seems to get harder with each passing year...

Dad brought two of these puppies, recently purchased at Costco.  These were the chairs to sit in, nap in or eat in.  We all agreed these would work equally well in the family room.

Another awesome thing my mom brought.  Sun tea served from a pretty glass container while camping?  Yes, please!
And so began our first fishing adventure.  My dad and Craig spent ages setting up the fishing polls for all the little kids.  This is an act of love I tell you.

Bella looking all cute.  She caught two little perch that we threw back.  This was semi traumatic because one of them suffered life threatening injuries and proceeded to alternate between life and death in the water right in front of us.  There were cheers for each fluttering and prayers when it stilled. 

I'm related to almost all of these people.  We kind of took over the dock.
  My teenager, Grant, impressed me with his smooth casting skills.  Seriously, he looked like a pro.

Lucy caught the first fish of the trip, this lovely rainbow trout!  Jay and Ava said he tasted great!

Here we all are at the beginning of the Twin Peaks hike.  We referred to it as the MRE hike.  You will see why momentarily.

Just a man and his dog. 
We were all surprised by the hiking skills of Brutus.  He kept up better than some of our kids!

This is just my answer to all the feet pictures taken beside pools or white sand.  :) 

Here begins the lesson on MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat).  Dad got a good deal on Craigslist and brought enough for all of us to enjoy on our hike.

We each got a package which contained the whole delightful meal-from beverage to dessert.

It said they were "easy open" seals.  But really, are they ever?

Jazzy enjoying apple jelly on crackers!

This is my ravioli tortellini thing.  It was warm because we used the special warming bags that contain chemicals to which you simply add water.  (I used the creek water to feel a little more like a survivalist.)   It tasted remarkably similar to a can of ravioli.  The applesauce was my favorite though!
And how cute are these patriotic shortbread cookies?!

Lucy, sporting her Duck Dynasty shirt, on the trail.

We also went on several "nature drives".  These are a favorite of mine.  We took the walkie talkies so all 3 cars could communicate.  I was offering $3 for a bear sighting.  I still have my $3.

This picture makes me laugh.  It looks like I'm all peaceful, but I so wasn't!  To my left is a breathtaking waterfall and of course the kids wanted to get close to the edge to peer over it!  I will not apologize for the way I yelled at my kids at this site.  I was trying to save their fearless little lives!  I'm breaking out in hives just reliving this memory.  Moving on... 

Ah, yes.  It's out of chronological order, but it's perfect!  Just ahhhh...

This is my rear.  Just heed this advice. Ok!?!

At the site of our MRE luncheon.

A boy, studying a map, with a dog in his shirt.
  He was tracking the Eagle fire near Leavenworth, about 13 miles from us.   

Things got rather smoky at Lake Wenatchee.

Our redneck husbands.

Andy got to go fishing a second time after repeatedly telling us the fish were "calling his name".  He was right. 
Did he have time to look up and give me a good smile for the pic?  No. 

He headed for the cooler and exchanged the fish for a root beer.  Once refreshed, he shared his fish tale with us.

Lots of kids got hurt.  They were falling off bikes and scooters at alarming rates.  They received excellent medical care in the grandparents' trailer.  Here's Bella with her dad and Grandpa.  Grandpa is using his nifty garage sale first aid kit. 

We did a lot of this.  Which, can I just say, is not as awesome without a campfire!  A full on campfire ban was in force, but Jay and dad improvised with a coke can, bacon grease and a paper towel wick.  It gave us a flame to stare into.

We tried to conserve cups by placing our names on them, and then people took it to the next level (Grant).

Ahhh...more Andy fishing...but really, in the moment it was not this relaxing.  I was dodging hooks and worms, and hanging onto his shirt with a death grip when he ventured too close to the edge!  And there were 6 kids fishing.  And for a while it was just mom and I.  And they all needed help with the worms, and I don't do worms!  So I handled the marshmallows and my far braver mother handled the worms.  Yuck! 

Then Bella got her birthday wish-Horseback riding!

So we all got Bella's birthday wish!  It was great fun and a beautiful ride.  And I'm still sore.

In conclusion, the Fuiten/Smith/Gorc Camping Trip of 2013 was a rousing success!  I say that with a certain assurance that can only come once one is home, and showered, and shaved, with the laundry done and the car cleaned out.  :)
  I sure do love my little family and all our little adventures too!