Thursday, August 15, 2013

And Sometimes He Speaks Hilariously Clearly

  Every now and then I go through one of those introspective, questioning periods.  I've been in one the last few days.  During these "events" I ask the Lord, "Am I doing what you've called me to do?", "Is this where you want me?".
  These events rarely, if ever, develop out of a period of great contentment, but are usually preceded by some kind of difficulty.  So my questions can sometimes take an edge.  Such as, "Is this seriously what you created me for?" or "Did I miss something, because surely this isn't it, right?". 
  Some of this came to the surface during our romantic Italian dinner date last night.  Craig and I realized we were in complete disagreement on a certain topic related to one of my previously stated questions, he wanting to continue and me wanting to change, and in conclusion I said, "Well, let's not worry about the fact that we disagree since a decision doesn't need to be made now."  And in my mind I was, somewhat ungraciously, thinking, "God will change one of our hearts and I'm pretty sure it will be yours!"
  So I was still in one of those restless moods this morning, and I was perusing real estate in rural places.  You know, where there's no traffic, and you can get a lot of land and house for your money, because I was thinking, "Surely I was not made to live here!"  And I was reading news articles, all the while trying to escape the questioning, niggling thoughts running through the back of my mind.
  And after a couple hours of spinning my wheels I heard that quiet voice.  It came direct and straight through the clutter of my restless mind, "Go to my word."  So I left Twitter land and clicked over to my Bible app and hadn't even opened to a specific book when the verse of the day jumped out at me, from The Message version,  Colossians 2:6-7 "My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given.  (I read this as Craig's "continue", not Roz's "change".  No need to make some big change when I've already given you the thing I want you to do.)  You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him.  You're deeply rooted in him.  You're well constructed upon him.  You know your way around the faith.  Now do what you've been taught.  School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it!  And let your living spill over into thanksgiving."
  And I just laughed, and a tear or two may have escaped, because his word was so direct to my discontented heart.  No beating around some bush.  No room for misinterpretation.  Just direct.  Not unkind.  Just straightforward, life giving direction.  And if I'm where he wants me, then I can be content because I trust his heart for me. 
  Then, because I've been taught well to properly read scripture in context, I read all of the 1st and 2nd chapters, in several versions, and I considered the original audience too.  And what did I find there?  Oh, just a couple more nuggets of truth that spoke directly to topics that I'd been pondering and turning over in my mind recently.
  He's just so good to me.  So patient.  So willing to gently guide me.  Repeatedly!  And he wants to do it for you too. 

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