Friday, October 17, 2014

He Keeps in Perfect Peace...
I am, by nature, a worrier. My brothers called me their second mother because I was often more concerned with the safety of their bless-ed little, dare devil boy lives than our own mother. If there is a problem, my natural inclination is to jump to the worst possible a single, breathless bound. Fun gift, right? So here's my real life experience. It is summed up best by Isaiah 26:3 which I paraphrase this way, "He keeps in perfect peace all who trust in him, whose thoughts are on him". I run my natural inclination toward fear through the filter of God and his word. The result? The world is crazy and I will do whatever I can to help BUT I'm not even worried. No anxiety here. No fear here. Only perfect, supernatural peace. Not duck my head in the sand and ignore the crisis peace, but real, tangible, informed, actionable peace. And it is available to everyone.
No I'm not even worried about the Seahawks trading Harvin ;), Ebola, ISIS, or Persecution. It's time to calmly solve some problems. Let's do this.

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