Wednesday, October 2, 2013


 I was scrolling through my facebook news feed the other night, when I came across a post and subsequent conversation that turned my stomach.  Fellow Christians were tearing into a local minister. The minister being ripped into was not from my church or even my denomination.  I too have disagreed with things he says.  But my thought was, "This is so pointless. What a waste of time and energy."  If you really dislike or disagree don't attend, don't give your money, and go somewhere else. It's not hard to find other options.  If you really love Jesus don't tear down those who are doing His work.  And seriously, it's the easiest thing in the world to find points of disagreement.   Impress me with your ability to find common ground.  We're on the same team, for Heaven's sake!   Yes really, for Heaven's sake.

So here's the thing, as the daughter, granddaughter, sister in law, friend and wife of pastors you will not hear me speak harshly about another minister, ministry leader, ministry or church.  Could I find things to criticize?  Sure.  But I will not do it because I am well acquainted with the pain when on the receiving end of it.   Were it not for the healing work of Jesus in me I would have curled up into a ball and thrown in the towel a long time ago.   Just don't do it, Christian people.   Ain't nobody got time for that and nothing life giving comes from it!   And furthermore, run away when others try to engage you in such talk.  Run.  Away.  And now I'm headed to the treadmill to run and talk to Jesus.   And I'm mad, so it wouldn't surprise me if I broke a speed record tonight. Silver linings, baby. 
I just ran my fastest mile ever, although it's still not very fast.   I'm really more of an endurance girl. Which, as it happens, is a great characteristic for ministry life!  Lemonade, anyone?  :)

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